Sino-German-Conference 2010
Underground storage of energy
July 6 – 13, 2010 in China: Beijing, Jintan, Shanghai, Daqing
Of the known greenhouse gases, political attention to date has primarily focused on carbon dioxide (CO2). Considering the fact that China has become the world largest CO2 emission country with 6100 Mt per year and Germany is Europe’s largest CO2 emission country with 800 Mt per year, both countries together are responsible for approximately 23% of the global emission (China: 20%, Germany: 3%). From a global point of view, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology could have significant contribution to global climate protection. Together with the global energy crisis, China is willing to construct much more underground storages of crude oil and natural gas than Germany in the foreseeable future.
Chinese and Germany scientist came together in a conference in Goslar in summer 2007 to discuss issues of underground storage. They concluded that such a scientific exchange of views is a fruitful tool and should be continued.
As a result the idea of a Chinese-German cooperation group was born and a three year program of collaboration was designed. Part of this program is the Sino-German Conference & Excursions “Underground storage of CO2 and energy” held in China this year. Already the name of the event informs about the fact that it consists out of different sections.
First is the two day conference “underground storage of CO2 and energy” in Beijing on July 6th and 7th.
Second is an excursion to the salt cavern storage of natural gas in Jintan and to the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.
And third is an excursion to the Daqing oil field combined with a workshop on Enhanced Oil Recovery & New Drilling Technology.
The organizing committee invites the interested community, scientific but also industrial and governmental to this conference and the following excursions.