Sichuan University and TU Clausthal have jointly formed the Sino-German Cooperation Group on "Underground Storage ofCO2 and Energy". Sichuan University provides the personnel and experimental equipment and the Sino-German Science Promotion Center provides the financial support to realize the plan of international cooperation and academic exchange on "Underground Storage ofCO2 and Energy" according to the regulation of the Sino-German Science Promotion Center. Sichuan University organizes the invitation of Chinese scientists and is engaged in the coordination of Chinese research forces. The Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Science is providing the cooperation group with the necessary research equipment. The TU Clausthal has the same tasks and duties on the German side, namely the supply of the necessary research equipment and also the invitation of the German scientists, as well as the coordination of the German research staff.

"Energy and climate protection are among the most important issues of the future. Securing a sustainable, affordable and reliable energy supply is a prerequisite for prosperity and wealth. At the same time, it is important to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to counteract climate change. Both tasks can be better solved through close international cooperation."
Christian Wulff, Hanover, May 6, 2010